Civil Society Mensa Serbia
and partners
invite you to
The Third International professional and scientific Conference “Giftedness – the needs of the 21st century”

3 – 5 October 2019, Kruševac, Serbia
Venue: Hall of the City Assembly and premises of the Regional Chamber of Commerce,
Balkanska 63, Kruševac, Serbia.
The aim of the conference:
The aim of this year’s conference is to consider theoretical knowledge about giftedness, creativity, innovation, talents and their practical application in working with gifted, creative, innovative and talented. In addition to the important topics concerning identification, education, needs and specificity of gifted, this year we would like to pay special attention to the needs of the present time and future and the conditions in which gifted, creative and innovative individuals can express their abilities, skills and knowledge and contribute to the success of companies.
The conference is intended for pre-school and school teachers, psychologists, educators, special education teachers, medical doctors, employees in public services and administration, media workers, students and others who engage in their work with gifted, talented and exceptional children, youth and adults, both from Serbia and from abroad.
Conference Languages: Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and English.
We invite you to register your participation in the Conference in the form of oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops, or to participate as a listener, without presentation.
For your presentation you can choose any of the following sub-themes:
– Giftedness – definition and terminology
– Educational work with gifted;
– Current and alternative approaches in the work with the gifted;
– Detection and identification of gifted children, youth and adults;
– Family and the gifted;
– Additional support to the gifted;
– Ethical issues regarding the gifted;
– Stimulating programs for the gifted;
– Strengthening professionals to work with gifted;
– The attitude of the society towards the gifted;
– Common interests of employers and the gifted;
– Contribution of the gifted to the success of the companies;
– and other relevant topics.
Important dates:
– By 1 June 2019 – Abstract submission deadline
– By 15 June 2019 – Abstract acceptance notification
– By 20 June 2019 – Submission of corrections
– By 20 September 2019 – Registration of passive participants (via the registration form)
Registration fee: – by 1 July 2019 – Early payment at a lower price
– by 20 September 2019 – payment at the regular price
All participants who want to register for the Conference should do so by filling out the registration form.
The registration fee per person for the participation in the three-day conference, depending on the date of payment and category of participants:
Registration fee includes:
– The presence and/or participation in the Conference,
– Publishing of the abstract in the Book of Abstracts for presenters,
– Printed Conference Program, Certificate of Participation,
– Conference kit
– Welcome cocktail,
– Refreshments at work breaks.
For conference participants, needing accommodation in Kruševac we propose:
HOTEL GROF The hotel has two units, one of which is with 2 * (double room with breakfast 4.200 RSD) and the other with 3 * (double room with breakfast 5.200 RSD)
Reservations at:
HOTEL BISER Accommodation in a double room without breakfast is 5.000 RSD, breakfast is 250 RSD.
Reservation at:
CITY HOTEL Accommodation with breakfast in a double room is 4,400 RSD
Reservations at:
LUCAS Reservations at:
Registration and the method of payment
Register your participation in the Conference by 1 June 2019 at the latest (if you wish to have a presentation) or by 20 September 2019 (if you are a participant without a presentation) by filling out the registration form.
After filling in the registration form, you will receive by e-mail the invoice and instructions for payment of the registration fee.
Instructions for registering a presentation / active participation
To register for presentation at the Conference, one should apply by filling out the registration form on the website of Mensa Serbia and by submitting the summary presentation (for oral and poster presentations) by e-mail to: , by 1 June 2019.
Abstracts of oral presentations of scientific / professional papers and poster presentations submitted for the Conference “Giftedness – the needs of the 21st Century” will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference “Giftedness – the needs of the 21st century” upon the review process and the lecture. Abstracts of authors who do not pay a fee for participation in the Conference until 20 September 2019 will not be printed in the Book of Abstracts.
Summary of the proposed paper for presentation and publication in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference must have the following characteristics:
Language: Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian or English
Letter: Alphabet
Volume: up to 500 words
Format: Word
Font: Times New Roman
Line spacing: 1,0
Font size: title – 14 pt, bold
Authors with affiliations – 12 pt, regular
abstract (up to 500 words) – 12 pt, regular
keywords (3 to 5) – 12 pt, italic.
Make sure to write the summary respecting IMRAD format (extract: goal of work / research, method, results and conclusion or specific recommendations). The summary does not contain references.
Summary / abstract for the workshop should contain the name of the workshop, the authors of the workshop and the affiliations, the goal and the outcomes of the workshop. Specify the maximum number of participants. The length of the workshop can be up to 45 minutes.
General notes:
One author may occur in up to two presentations, no matter the form of presentation. Each paper can have a maximum of four authors.
All submitted papers are sent to the international referee for assessment of satisfaction of conditions for acceptance for presentation at the Conference and Book of Abstracts “Giftedness – the needs of the 21. century”.
Guidelines for presenters:
The length of oral presentatons is limited to 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion and questions. Presentations in Power Point format should be delivered by e-mail to 2 days before the conference.
Poster presentation should have a maximum size of 80x110cm, portrait or landscape orientation with the text clearly visible from a 2 meter distance. The authors of poster presentations are supposed to bring their posters to the Conference. At the scheduled time according to the Program of the Conference they are expected to stand next to the poster presentations for communication with the interested participants. After the scheduled time of posting poster presentations, the authors are expected to remove their posters.
The registered workshop is time limited to 45 minutes.
If you are interested in presenting professional literature, didactic material or other content of relevance for work with the gifted and the topic of the Conference, please contact the organizer via e-mail no later than 20 September 2019.
For more information, please send your enquiry to: .
Conference Program
The exact program of the Conference will be published on the website of the Conference at the latest by 25 September 2019.
We are expecting your application for participation at the Conference and look forward to hosting you in Kruševac!
Conference Organizing Committee
We announce that the Thematic Collection of Papers of International Importance is being prepared on the topic “Giftedness – the needs of the 21st century”, in which the reviewed original scientific and expert papers will be published.
We invite you to send your papers for publication in the International thematic collection of papers by e-mail, to the following address: , with the subject “For the International thematic collection of papers”, not later than 20 August, 2019.
The papers will be reviewed by competent international reviewers. The papers will be published in Serbian or English language.
One author may appear in a maximum of 2 papers as the author or co-author. There may be a maximum of three authors and co-authors on one paper.
Papers must have the following characteristics:
Authors and co-authors: up to three (3) in one paper
Language: Serbian or English
Scope: up to 10 A4 pages (original scientific paper), 5-10 pages (professional papers and review articles), one standard page contains 1800 characters
Format: Word
Font: Times New Roman
Line spacing: 1.5
Illustrations, photographs, spreadsheets and similar should be provided as attachments. They must be in a format and a resolution suitable for printing. In
order to respect the quality of the press, please follow the procedure below when sending the attachments:
Illustrations should be submitted in the form of digital images in one of the three offered formats: eps, tiff or jpg (maximum quality). Please note that the publication will be printed in black / white.
Tables and charts should provide the font adaptable to the design of the Collection of papers, in .doc or .xls (Word or Excel) format as a separate document. It is not allowed to send charts as images inserted into a word document.
The paper should contain:
Title – in Serbian or English, 14 pt, bold,
The names and surnames of all the authors – 12 pt, regular,
Affiliations in the following order: Institution, city, state, 10 pt, regular,
Summary – in Serbian or English, up to 300 words each, 12 pt, regular,
Keywords – following summaries, up to 5 words, 12 pt, italic,
Text of the paper (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion): 12pt, regular,
References – 10 pt, regular.
Citation styles: APA 6
At the end of the paper: Full postal address of the first author, 12 pt, regular.
Important dates:
– until 20 August 2019 – registration of papers;
– until 10 September 2019 – notification of acceptance of the paper;
– 15 September 2019 – deadline for correction and submission of final versions of papers;
– 20 September 2019 – payment of the fee for publishing the paper.
If your paper, after being reviewed, is accepted for publication, you will be requested to pay the fee of 5,000 RSD (for the papers of Serbian authors) or 70 €
(for the papers of foreign authors and the international teams of the authors) for the costs of publishing the paper.
If you are a registered participant of the Conference “Giftedness – the needs of teh 21st centuery” scheduled in Krusevac, 3 – 5 October 2019, you are exempted from the payment of this fee.
Regardless of the number of co-authors only one fee per paper will be charged.
If you do not receive your copy of the Collection of papers after its presentation at the Conference, we will provide you with a copy of the printed Thematic Collection by mail, to the address of the first author.
Please do not pay the fee before receiving the notice of acceptance for your work for the publication in the Thematic Collection of papers.
We are expecting your papers for publication in the Thematic Collection of international importance “Giftedness – the needs of the 21st century”!
Yours sincerely,
Dr Lada Marinković
Dr Milena Letić Lungulov
Higher Professional School For The Education Of Teachers
Society of defectologists of Vojvodina
Association of Educators of Vojvodina
National Talents Center
Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Belgrade
Faculty of Agriculture in Krusevac, University of Nis