Giftedness and Interdisciplinarity

Association of Citizens Mensa Serbia

and partners

invite you to the

Seventh International

Professional and Scientific Conference

“Giftedness and Interdisciplinarity”

4–6 October 2024, Novi Sad

Venue: Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad, 1 Zorana Đinđića Street.

NEW!!! Program of the Conference

Conference aim:

Giftedness is a multidimensional phenomenon. Therefore, interdisciplinarity stands as a necessity in approaching its understanding and definition. In the previous six conferences, through interdisciplinary exchanges, we have enriched our knowledge and skills about giftedness and the gifted. This year’s conference theme places interdisciplinary exchanges at the forefront, considering the necessity of primarily changing educational practices and approaches to the gifted. STEAM programs and the advancing development of artificial intelligence accelerate the need for changes in educating the gifted and pose a challenge in predicting the future development of young generations. Simultaneously, in the contemporary world of artificial intelligence and technological advancement, the interaction between humans and machines will require the support of the gifted.

Hoping that interdisciplinary exchanges will advance and guide further research and understanding of giftedness, we invite you to this year’s conference.

We sincerely hope that you will recognise your interest in joining us!

Participants: The conference is intended for educators, teachers, instructors, specialists, defectologists, doctors, public services employees, administrations and management, media workers, students, and all others who encounter and work with gifted children, youth, and adults and their families, from both domestic and international settings.

Conference languages: Serbian, regional languages, and English.

The conference will be accredited as a form of professional development for employees in educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia.

We invite you to apply for participation in the Conference in the form of an oral presentation, poster presentation, or workshop, or to participate as an attendee, without a presentation.

You can submit your presentations on one of the following sub-themes:

  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on giftedness
  • Interdisciplinarity in identifying giftedness
  • Interdisciplinarity in the methodology of working with the gifted
  • Interdisciplinary approach in providing support for giftedness development
  • Giftedness and interdisciplinarity
  • Interdisciplinarity in education
  • STEAM programs and methods
  • Gifted individuals and artificial intelligence
  • Institutional forms of support for giftedness
  • International cooperation in the field of giftedness

Important dates:

– By 1 July 2024:                Abstracts submission (oral presentation or poster presentation)

– 15 July 2024:                   Abstract acceptance notification (with information on necessary corrections)

– 22 July 2024:                   Deadline for submitting corrected abstracts

– 21 August 2024:              Submission of full papers

– 7 September 2024:          Paper acceptance notification

– 14 September 2024:        Deadline for submitting corrected full papers

–         14 September 2024:       Deadline for registration fee payment for presenting participants and authors of papers in the Book of                  Proceedings.

Registration fee payment: by 22 July 2024 – early registration deadline at a lower price

by 02 October 2024 – regular price registration deadline for participants without presentations.

Registration fee

The registration fee per person for participation in the three-day conference, depending on the payment date and participant category:

Registration fee type



Early registration fee,

(by 22 July 2024)

Regular payments registration fee,

(from 22 July to 02 October 2024)

Members of the associations and institutions organising the conference RSD 5,000 RSD 6,000
Other participants from Serbia RSD 5,500 RSD 6,500
Participants from abroad EUR 75 EUR 90
Members of Mensa from abroad EUR 65 EUR 80

The registration fee includes:

  • Attendance, monitoring, and/or participation in the Conference sessions;

– Printed Conference program and the Book of Abstracts;

– Printed Book of Proceedings;

– Certificate of Attendance (for all conference participants) and Certificate of Attendance from Professional Development (for employees in educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia);

– Accompanying working materials;

– Welcome cocktail;

– Refreshments during breaks.

Registration and payment instructions

Register for participation in the Conference by 1 July 2024 (if applying for a presentation) or by 02 October 2024 (if you are a participant without a presentation) by filling out the registration form. After completing the registration form, you will receive a proforma invoice and payment instructions to your email address. Please note that colleagues who cannot or do not wish to physically attend the conference will have the option to attend via Zoom. Presenters can present only if they are physically present in the room at the time of presentation.

Instructions for abstract submission (oral presentations, poster presentations, and workshops)

Participation in the Conference with a presentation is registered by filling out the registration form and submitting the presentation abstract (for all types of presentations and participation: oral presentations, posters, workshops) by 1 July 2024, to the email address

Abstracts of oral presentations and poster presentations

The abstract should be submitted in two official languages of the conference (in Serbian or one of the regional languages, and in English) and should have the following characteristics:

Script: Latin or Cyrillic

Length: up to 500 words

Format: Word (.doc or .docx)

Font: Times New Roman

Spacing: 1.0

Font size:

− Title (Serbian/regional language and English), 14 pt, bold, capital;

− Authors with affiliations (Serbian/regional language and English), 12 pt, regular;

− Abstract (up to 500 words), 12 pt, regular;

Keywords (up to 5), 12 pt, italic.

The abstract should follow the IMRAD format (including the aim of the paper/research, method, results, and conclusion or specific recommendations). The abstract should not contain references.

Example of abstract format

ABSTRACT FOR WORKSHOP should include the workshop title, workshop leaders/authors and affiliations, workshop objectives, and outcomes. Indicate the maximum number of participants.

Note: The workshop can last up to 60 minutes.

General notes:

One author can submit up to two presentations, regardless of the presentation format (either as an author or co-author). The maximum number of authors per presentation is four.

All submitted papers are subjected to anonymous review to assess compliance with the conditions for presentation at the Conference and for publication in the Book of Abstracts.


The duration of oral presentations is limited to 10 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for discussion and questions.

Poster presentations can be a maximum size of 80x110cm, in portrait or landscape orientation, with clearly visible text from a distance of 2m. Authors personally bring their poster presentations to the Conference. During the scheduled time according to the Conference Program, they are required to be beside their poster presentations for communication with interested participants. After the scheduled presentation time for poster presentations, authors remove their posters.

For accepted oral presentations: We kindly ask all presenters to send their presentations to the email address (in PowerPoint) no later than 2 October 2024.

Abstracts of oral presentations of scientific/professional papers, as well as poster presentations and workshops submitted and accepted for the Conference, will be published in the Conference Book of Abstracts. Abstracts of authors who do not pay the conference registration fee by 14 September 2024, will not be printed in the Book of Abstracts and will not be listed in the Conference Program.

Instructions for full papers

The Book of Proceedings will include full presentations from the conference, which authors have prepared in the form of scientific/professional articles, according to these Instructions, and have submitted to the conference email address ( no later than 21 August 2024.

The Book of Proceedings will be published in printed form and prepared for the conference dates with ISBN and UDC codes.

The review process, feedback, and corrections will be completed by 14 September 2024. Authors can expect initial feedback on the acceptance of their paper for publication in the Book of Proceedings within two weeks of submission. Authors undertake to make requested revisions no later than 14 September 2024.

After review, papers may be returned to the author for final editing/additions in accordance with the instructions. Papers will be reviewed by competent local and international reviewers. Papers will be checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism during the review process.

Languages for publication are: Serbian, languages of the region, or English.

One author/co-author can appear on a maximum of two (2) papers. The maximum number of authors and co-authors is four (4) per paper.

The paper must have the following characteristics:

Language: Serbian, languages of the region, or English, with an abstract in the language in which the paper is written and in English. For papers written in English (for authors from abroad), we can provide a translation into Serbian.

Length: up to 10 pages of A4 format (original scientific paper), 5–10 pages (professional and review paper). One page equals 1800 characters.

The Book of Proceedings may also include reviews of publications on giftedness, which must not exceed two pages (all relevant publication details should be provided: authors, publication title, publisher, place and year of publication, brief summary, and reviewer’s comment).

Papers should be submitted in .docx format.

Font: Times New Roman, Cyrillic or Latin script.

Spacing: 1.5

Images and charts: Illustrations, photographs, tables, and similar attachments should be submitted along with the text as appendices. They must be in a format and resolution suitable for printing.

Illustrations should be provided as digital images in .eps, .tiff, or .jpg (maximum quality) format. Please note that the print will be in black and white, not colour.

Tables and charts should be submitted in .docx format. Tables and images should be sent in a separate document, and in the text of the paper, clearly indicate the location, number, and title of the attachment.

The paper should contain:

Title in Serbian or regional languages and obligatory in English – 14 pt, bold, capital.

Names and surnames of all authors – 12 pt, regular,

Affiliations, in order: Institution, city, country – 10 pt, regular,

Abstract in Serbian/regional languages and in English, up to a maximum of 300 words each – 12pt, regular,

Keywords: up to 5 words – 12 pt, italic,

Text structure of the paper (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) – 12 pt, regular,

References – 10 pt, regular; Citation style: APA 7

Example of paper format

The condition for the publication of abstracts, as well as full papers, is the payment of the registration fee for the first author of the paper, i.e., the author presenting the paper. Papers for which no registration fee has been paid by 14 September 2024, will not be included in the Conference Program, Book of Abstracts, or Book of Proceedings.

Authors can submit their paper for publication only in the Book of Proceedings without the obligation to present the paper at the Conference. In this case, the first author of the paper must pay the registration fee to cover the costs of review and publication in the Book of Proceedings, no later than 14 September 2024.

Conference Program

The Conference Program will be published on the Conference website no later than 20 September 2024.


Once again this year, the conference organisers will award special recognition to educational institutions and organisations that stand out in terms of recognising and supporting gifted and creative children and fostering an environment that nurtures the gifted and creative potential of each individual.

As the primary driving idea of our conference organisers regarding the phenomenon of giftedness is to create a better social environment for the recognition and development of the gifted, primarily in the educational system, plaques will be awarded at the closing ceremony of the Conference to those institutions and organisations that have significantly contributed to this field.

The GIFTED FRIENDLY plaque – INSTITUTION THAT RECOGNISES AND SUPPORTS GIFTEDNESS AND CREATIVITY is awarded for the 2024/2025 year to institutions that have participated in the Conference with a minimum of 5 members of their collective (for whom the institution covered the registration fee) and presented at least one paper or workshop, and to one local institution nominated by the Organising Committee of the conference.

The GIFTED FRIENDLY emblem – INSTITUTION THAT RECOGNISES AND SUPPORTS GIFTEDNESS AND CREATIVITY will be a symbol of the institution/organisation’s dedication to supporting the gifted potential of its users.

A special acknowledgement will be given to the author/authors of the best presentation or workshop according to the participants’ choice at the Conference.

In this way, we aim to increase the visibility of those institutions and organisations that are sensitive to recognising and actively supporting the development of gifted and creative potential in children and adults in our country. We hope to expand the network of such institutions and enable the creation of systemic prerequisites and foundations for supporting the gifted through their networking.

The plaque, emblem, and acknowledgement are awarded by:

Mensa Serbia, National Talents Centre (NCT), Preschool Teacher Training College in Novi Sad, and the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad.

For any additional questions and communication with the organisers and editorial team, please use the following address:

We are looking forward to your participation in the Conference and meeting you in Novi Sad! Kind regards!

Conference Organising Committee

Conference Organisers

Mensa Serbia

Preschool Teacher Training College in Novi Sad

National Talent Centre

Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad

Conference Partners

Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Belgrade

Information Technology School (ITS)

Association “UčenIQ”

Association of Educators of Vojvodina